Patient Story

Lou’s story: #donateplatelets #savelives

Lou Cohan’s journey with Northside Hospital has come full circle: his daughters and grandson were born there, and now he’s giving back as a platelet donor. 

A single platelet donation can help up to three people. Inspired by a friend’s leukemia diagnosis, Lou has made nearly 250 donations over 30 years, potentially helping more than 700 patients. His story highlights the power of small acts to make a big difference, urging others to join his “250 for 250” campaign. 

Through donating platelets, Lou shows how anyone can be a hero by giving the gift of time, life and hope.

There are heroes among us, everywhere. Arguably almost every mom and dad is a hero at some point, as we all sacrifice for our kids. 

For me, donating blood and platelets is a huge opportunity to be a hero. I hope you will think so, too. I invest a few hours per month. In return, I maybe save or extend someone’s life. That’s a lot of leverage.

When I made my 200th donation, Atlanta Blood Services (ABS) gave me a plaque. It bears the following parable:

“A young man walked on a shore littered with thousands of starfish, beached after a storm. An older man was picking them up and flinging them back into the ocean. ‘Why bother,’ the younger man asked. The younger man scoffed, ‘You’re not saving enough to make any difference.’ The older man tossed another starfish back into the ocean, and said, ‘Made a difference to that one.’”

Along the same theme, the Jewish Talmud (teachings) instructs us that “whoever saves one life saves the world.”

So, I do what I can, and it’s better than doing nothing. Will you be a hero? It’s easy. 

I started donating blood in high school. Later, in 1997, a friend was diagnosed with leukemia and needed platelets. I donated at ABS and learned how important the donations are. The platelets have only a five-day shelf life and it is only through constant donations that there is a supply.

LCohanDonating platelets is quick, safe, nearly painless and so very important. Fortunately, every day, there are people who, with no fanfare at all, choose to donate platelets and other blood products with the hope that they will save or extend a life. 

I have just made platelet donation number 241. ABS recognizes donors throughout their journey but donation No. 250 is a milestone donation. A person can donate platelets 24 times in a year — 250 donations requires almost 11 years of maxed-out donations — nearly 30 years for me. In contemplation of donation No. 250, I decided I needed to further leverage by recruiting more donors. Together, with the ABS team, we started the “250 for 250” campaign. It is my sincerest hope that my participation in the National Blood Donor Month (January) will inspire more of you to donate. Make blood donation one of your New Year's resolutions!

If you donate platelets at ABS, please tell them “Lou sent me.” They will add you to the 250 for 250 campaign. I 100% guarantee that you will leave every donation knowing that you have done one of the most important things you can ever do to help others. You will be a true hero!

#helpahuman #donateplatelets #1morekiss #1morehug #moretime #savelives

Atlanta Blood Services is an on-site blood donor center and collection facility offering peripheral blood stem cell collections, extracorporeal photopheresis and therapeutic apheresis procedures. In addition, the collection of platelets and red blood cells is performed to support the transfusion needs of Northside Hospital patients receiving treatment for blood cancers and blood-related diseases. 

Learn more about Atlanta Blood Services and schedule an appointment to donate platelets.

Learn more about the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Blood Cancer Program.


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