Cancer Services

NHCI Cancer Genetics Program - Alpharetta

3400 Old Milton Parkway
Building C, Patient Check-in Suite #100
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Location Website

Please visit our website for additional information.

We are conveniently located off GA-400 Exit 10 (Old Milton Parkway) in Alpharetta in Building C on the Northside/Alpharetta Medical Campus. See below for additional locations.

Genetic counselors at the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Cancer Genetics Program are specially trained experts that work with patients who are concerned about their family history of cancer and are considering genetic testing.

To speak with a genetic counselor or Cancer Genetics Program staff member, please call us at 404-851-6284 or email [email protected].

Our Cancer Genetics Program has multiple locations available for patients to meet with our genetic counselors. Our goal is to bring genetics services to patients living throughout Georgia, especially those in geographic areas with limited cancer genetic services available. In addition to in-person consults, we also offer telemedicine and phone consults.